Wednesday, February 12, 2025

                                                      Radha and Frigga
                                                    by Wayne W Hansen

A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: "I offer my respects to Radharani whose bodily complexion is like molten gold and who is the Queen of Vrindavan. You are the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, and you are very dear to Lord Krishna." (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) (p2)

We offer our respects to Frigga whose body color is light tan and who is the Queen of Asgard. You are the Personality of Goddess. You are very dear to Odin, the Personality of God. 

Swami: "The symbol of devotional service in the highest degree is Radharani. To perform devotional service means to follow in the footsteps of Radharani." (The Nectar of Devotion) (p15)

Frigga is the highest example of devotional service to Lord Odin. 

Swami: "Devotees in Vrindavan put themselves under the care of Radharani in order to achieve perfection in their devotional service. Devotional service is not an activity of the material world." (TNOD) (p16) 

Frigga helps us in our devotional service to Lord Odin. Devotional service is spiritual work to serve Odin and Frigga. This is not considered to be activity in this material world but it is spiritual activity.

Swami: "Devotional Service attracts even Krishna himself." (TNOD) (p16) 

Devotional Service attracts Odin and Frigga, the Personality of God and Goddess.

Friend: "Her bodily complexion defeats the beauty of gold. Thus, let us all look upon the transcendental beauty of Srimati Radharani." (TNOD) (p353) 

Let us all look at the transcendental beauty of Goddess Frigga.

Friend: "O Lord Govinda, the girl who is the daughter of King Vrsabhanu is now shedding tears, and she is anxiously chanting your holy name -- 'Krishna! Krishna!'" (TNOD) (p138)

When Frigga is separated from Odin she sheds tears and she chants Odin, Odin. 

Friend: "My dear Radharani, your whole body appears very content, yet there are signs of tears in your eyes. You must have heard the blowing of Krishna's flute." (TNOD) (p354)

When Frigga hears the drumming from Odin sometimes she has tears in her eyes.

Swami: "Radharani was captivated by the flute vibrations of Krishna. Upon first seeing Krishna, she was filled with ecstatic love and pleasure." (TNOD) (p255) 

When Frigga hears the drumming of Odin she is filled with ecstatic love and pleasure. 

Abhinav Mishra: "Radha is considered the eternal consort and beloved of Lord Krishna." (

Frigga is considered to be the eternal wife of Lord Odin. 

Abhinav Mishra: "Radha represents the embodiment of pure and selfless love towards God. Her love for Krishna is considered the highest form of devotion." (

Frigga's truth and love for Odin is the highest form of devotional service. 

Abhinav Mishra: "Goddess Radha's devotion to Lord Krishna is unparalleled. She exemplifies the ideal devotee. ( 

Frigga is the ideal devotee of Lord Odin. She sets the example for spiritual service to Creator. 

"Srimati Radharani is the mother of the universe, the spiritual mother of all souls." (

Frigga is also an incarnation from Creator, from the Supreme Goddess. Frigga is the mother of the universe and the spiritual mother of all the souls. 

"'Hare' is the vocative form of 'Hara', another name of Radharani. This maha-mantra is a spiritual call for the Lord and his internal energy Hara to protect the conditioned soul. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare." (

I wrote the "Odin Frigga Mantra": Odin Frigga, Odin Frigga, Frigga Frigga, Odin Odin.

"Saintly persons advise that approaching Krishna becomes easy when done through the mercy of Radharani." ( 

It is easy to approach the statues of Odin and Frigga. We make spiritual progress when we see the deities of Odin and Frigga on the altar.

"Radha and Krishna are one, yet they have assumed two separate forms to enjoy loving pastimes." (

Odin and Frigga are one but they have incarnated into two separate forms. They are Father Mother God. 

"The divine couple is the source of all that is." (

The divine couple of Odin and Frigga is the source of all that is.

"The Brahma-vaivarta Purana reveals a creation story in which Radha co-creates the material world with Krishna." (

The first demigod receives the energy from Creator to make a material universe. Many demigods help Brahma as they help make and manage a material universe. I believe Brahma looks like a nordic man. The demigod couples each have their own worlds and large spaceships. They can beam populations of people up to the motherships, transport them to another flat-earth-dome, beam them down, and remove their memory of the trip. They do this to manage the population of people in the many flat-earth-domes. The demigods are also in charge of the reincarnation of the individual after death.

Swami: "Even though Sri Krishna was not officially married to Radharani, he had in fact made her his bride in the Vrindavan forest." (SB 10.30.31 Purport)

The Odin and Frigga odinists see the Divine Couple as a married couple. The Odin and Frigga Teachings does not come from myth books. The fact is that our people have used Odin and Frigga as a name for God and Goddess for hundreds of years. 

                  "Radha Stotram" by Vyasa

"May the name of Shri Radhiki be at the tip of my tongue,
The form of Shri Radha before my eyes,
The glory of Shri Radharani before my ears,
And may her loving devotion always remain in my heart.

While singing, while dining, while walking, through day and night,
I ceaselessly worship Shri Radha.

Shri Radha is my worshipful deity,
And I chant the name Radha,
I offer obeisances to Shri Radha,
I listen about Shri Radha,
And I sing the glories of Shri Radha." 

               "All Glories to Frigga"
         [Inspired by Radha Stotram by Vyasa]

May the name of Frigga be on the tip of my tongue
May the form of Frigga be before my eyes
May I hear the glories of Frigga in my ears
May I think of Frigga when I walk
May I worship the Frigga deity which is on the temple altar
May I chant the holy name of Frigga
May I offer obeisances to Frigga
May I listen about Frigga
All glories to Frigga


                                                      Radha and Frigga                                                     by Wayne W Hansen...